Saturday, October 2

Obsession !!

The phase that is just before falling in love, the phase where you like someone a lot, the phase whenever anyone mentions his name, you just blush, and whenever you get the chance to start talking about him, no one can stop you!

It's breath taking, like your heart skips a beat every time you see him, or when his name is mentioned somewhere!

All your dreams become represented in one person. Every song, quote or movie just seems to fit him the most!

Then you become obsessed, you start watching him as he speaks, walks, or even smiles... You start doing everything you can to get his attention towards you. But at the same time, you do everything you can to get your obsession out of his way, you're avoiding him - you wouldn't like it if he knew you're obsessed!

You start translating every word, every act he does, just to fit your wonderful imagination. You start making excuses and stories about why he's not talking to you as much as you wish. You might say that he's avoiding you too, because he also has some crush towards you!!
Now, that's totally insane!

And every other girl who talks about him, to him, or just get in his way, is a total threat to you; she's totally your enemy!
He's the man of your dreams, and no one likes sharing dreams, especially when they come to reality. She'll be the luckiest, you think, this girl who would captivate his heart.
You really wish it's you!

Only then you start thinking if only you knew how he feels about you, then you would be relieved! Like you'll eventually stop thinking about all of this.
Well it's nonsense, you wouldn't be relieved except if he said that he likes you too!!

It's over Now, you're on the edge falling in LOVE!

All these feelings makes you feel like a sweet little teenage girl who's having her first crush. How beautiful are those feelings, how happy they make you... =)

Only during this phase, in my opinion, you experience the best feelings of love. Love at its first months is the most beautiful. You're flying without wings, you're happy, satisfied, free, cheerful, wonderful, amazing, and energetic. You feel like dancing and singing all the time. 
And you think you can't figure why!!
But not true, you know why. You just don't like admitting it, specially to others; it's enough admitting it to yourself!

It's the most beautiful, when during this first stage of love it's not a single side love, it's a love from both sides, but maybe a hidden love story. It would be the most perfect, when you hide your love deeply from someone, then you suddenly discover that you're loved back with the exact same extent, and maybe more, by the exact same person!

Perfectly, It would be so good to be feeling these feelings all the time, even after a long term relationship; where everyday is a renewal day of your love life!

I have one last thought that comes and goes on my mind: Love is so mysterious, so weird, so unique. It doesn't matter how much you are loved, it only matters how much you love. Because you always seek the attention of the person you love. Whenever you do anything that all the people appreciate you for it, it's not pleasing as much as when this person you love appreciates it. You don't feel beautiful until he tells you that you're beautiful. And you always do whatever it takes to show him how much you love him, even if there are many others who deserve your love more than him, you just can't give your love except only to him...

P.S: Whoever thinks I'm living my own imaginative first stage crush phase time...Please don't worry about me, I'm totally in control with my emotions and feelings. I'm not a teenage girl, I'm a mature young lady. =) Thank you!


Salma said...

البعض نحبهم

ونتمنى ان نعيش معهم حكاية جميله

ونفتعل الصدف كي نلتقيهم

ونختلق الاسباب كي نراهم

ونعيش معهم في الخيال

اكثر من الواقع

لـــ شهرزاد الخليج

I've just felt enaha lai2a 3al post ;))) <3

May El-Dardiry said...

Salmaaaaaaaaaaa =)))))) U r amazing =)))

Unknown said...

"Only during this phase, in my opinion, you experience the best feelings of love"
"a hidden love would be the most perfect,"

i totally agree....LLLLLLLLLIKE soo much